How to make money with lofi music youtube channel

Making money on YouTube through a Lofi music channel is indeed a popular endeavor. However, many people lack the knowledge of how to do it correctly, which often leads to starting a channel and eventually abandoning it. If you are considering starting your own channel, it’s important to conduct thorough research beforehand. In this article, I will guide you from A to Z on how to monetize your lo-fi music YouTube channel. Let’s now explore the necessary elements required for this venture.

  1. youtube channel.

For this, you can use a channel that already has subscribers, which you have used before. However, it is important to know your audience because these lo-fi music videos are of no use to an audience that does not listen to music. Therefore, if you decide to use an old channel, be careful about the audience you have.

If you don’t have an old channel, start a new one. Before starting, you should choose a good theme for your channel. I’m sure you have seen the lo-fi girl music YouTube channel. You will understand their theme as soon as you hear the name of the lo-fi girl channel. Choose a theme similar to that. Try to make your theme as unique as possible. Create a name and logo that match the theme, and then start the channel. This step is important for the growth of your channel.

You can use ChatGPT to help you choose a name. You can also use Adobe Express to create a logo. It is not very complex. You can create a logo with a banner from Adobe Express.

  1. Lofi animations

Nowadays, many lo-fi artists incorporate animations into their music videos, which brings a different vibe to the overall visual experience. For instance, the animations you have seen in the lo-fi girl videos are truly captivating and can hold your attention for a long time. Consider using such animations to enhance your videos and potentially grow your channel at a faster rate. If you lack the ability to create animations yourself, you can purchase anime or use free animations from other websites. However, make sure to use copyright-free materials since you are using them to generate income. Be cautious about potential copyright issues.

Furthermore, you now have the option to create animations with AI as well. With the help of AI, you can easily transform a picture into an animation on your own. I will demonstrate the process in the video below.

How to make lofi animations in after effects

We have also uploaded another tutorial on our NATHEFFECTS YouTube channel, which you can access. Take the time to watch it as well, as it will provide you with an idea of how to purchase and create Lofi animations. Additionally, feel free to contact us if you are interested in obtaining Lofi animations. Aim to use animations that captivate viewers and hold their attention for a long time.

  1. Lofi music (bests)

The second most important aspect is the Lofi music itself. It can be a bit challenging to find suitable tracks. Exercise caution when using copyright-free music, as using someone else’s music may prevent you from making money on your channel. The revenue could be claimed by the original music owner. Therefore, it is crucial to choose your music carefully.

You can easily and safely obtain Lofi music by hiring a Lofi music creator. Alternatively, you can purchase music from well-known music-selling websites. Additionally, with the advancements in AI technology, you now have the option to generate your own music using AI, which can make the process even easier.

  1. Video edit 

To edit your videos, you can utilize online tools or software such as Filmora or Premiere Pro. When editing, consider incorporating animation loops. These loops are hour-long videos created by using a few seconds of animation. If you value video quality in your creations, aim for 4K videos or at least 1080p videos.

When promoting your channel, it’s advisable to avoid cluttering the video with excessive elements. Keeping the video clean and clear is crucial. If you want to include certain elements like your logo, channel name, or a subscribe button, go ahead and add them. Creating videos that are one hour or longer can help accelerate the growth of your channel and assist in achieving the watch time requirements more quickly.

  1. Upload and SEO

As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to create and upload 4K or Full HD videos for optimal video quality. Additionally, watching other people’s videos can provide inspiration and ideas for your own content. Remember to create clear and attention-grabbing thumbnails to attract viewers.

To improve the visibility and ranking of your videos, you can utilize tools like TubeBuddy, which offers features to optimize your video metadata, analyze keywords, and enhance your overall YouTube SEO strategy. By implementing these practices, you can increase the chances of your videos reaching a wider audience and gaining more traction on the platform.

When optimizing your video for SEO, remember to consider related searches in Google and incorporate them into your video’s metadata. This includes the title, description, and tags. By utilizing relevant keywords and phrases, you can improve the chances of your video ranking higher in search results.

Selecting appropriate and accurate tags for your video is also crucial for SEO. These tags should reflect the content and subject matter of your video, helping both search engines and viewers understand what your video is about.

Once your video is published, it is generally recommended not to make significant edits to it. Editing a published video can potentially decrease its view count and engagement. However, minor edits or improvements, such as fixing typos or adding relevant information, can be made without having a major negative impact.

It is important to plan and finalize any competitions or contests related to your video before it is published. Changing or withdrawing the competition terms after the video is published can potentially affect viewer engagement and perception. Ensure that all competition details are decided and communicated clearly to maintain a fair and consistent experience for viewers.

Grow channel and get views

  1. 24/7 live lofi music streaming

You have probably come across 24/7 live streaming channels that continuously stream to grow their audience. Streaming for extended periods of time can indeed help in channel growth. You might be wondering how it’s possible to stream for such a long duration. You may think that keeping my computer turned on for months would be necessary. However, these channels utilize a VPS (Virtual Private Server) for this purpose. In the video below, you can learn how to set up and live stream 24/7 using a VPS. Keep in mind that this approach requires an investment of money.

How to 24/7 live streaming
  1. Grow with social media 

You can also utilize Facebook and Reddit for this purpose. Create accounts on both platforms and join groups dedicated to Lofi music fans. These groups have the right audience that would be interested in your content. Simply share your content in these groups to attract that audience to your channel. By sharing your content in groups that have the appropriate audience for your channel, you can effectively grow your viewership.

With these strategies in mind, creating a YouTube channel can lead to monetization within a relatively short period. Many people are already earning money through their channels, and you can give it a try as well. It can provide you with a passive income stream. If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to comment below. I’ll be happy to answer them.

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